Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Another Digital Playroom Model ?

The NT Government has committed itself to establishing 5 'Digital Playrooms' by 2012. Could this be a model?

Wilurarra Creative supports young adults to build strong communities and strong artistic practices in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands (Western Australia). Wilurarra Creative’s vision is to create a wider horizon for young people and support their cultural and creative well being.

This best practice program of cultural maintenance and renewal uses a dynamic combination of traditional and contemporary creative art-forms. Wilurarra Creative's focus is with people aged 17-30 years, with the participation and leadership of the community's elders and role models to directly connect Wilurarra Creative's activities for transmission of culture and to ensure relevancy with Ngaanyatjarra people's wider social and cultural circumstances.

Within Wilurarra Creative's Centre people work on a range of different practices including: Music, fashion performance, land & cultural practice, digital media, print media and art and project consulting.

Check out their awesome website here.

See also: Mobile Digital Playroom ?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, This Blog rocks! I am excited to find that there is more and more innovative thinking in the NT available via Web.

    PS I added a link to this on our site under HOT.
