Monday, January 31, 2011
Michel Reilhac notes from TransmediaVic
1 Thou will collaborate :
Loose the old habits. Stop the siloed thinking.Explore new ways even if painful. It will be even more painful when you reach unprepared the end of the current system. Only then can you decide to still do the traditional storytelling
2 On the story, thou shall focus :
Loose the fascination for the new gimmicks and devices that will keep popping up and the fear of not keeping up with the geeks.. We use technological devices to tell our stories, that tend to blend, mesh and interface instead of remaining separate and autonomous. Technology changes but the needs remain the same
3 The game culture thou shall embrace.
It is a vertical approach to story telling as opposed to the traditional horizontal approach. Game is no longer the enemy. It is our partner and friend, for us who come from the storytelling world.
4 Thou shall earn the trust you rightfully deserve
Trust is not managed, it is earned. Trust management/ community management, these notions are odd. Trust is kept, maintained and nurtured. It can be betrayed and what one seeks is the engagement that it triggers. It is very much about how to trigger engagement through being totally sincere and honest
5 The problem is not the story, it is the interface.
Independent cinema and TV, as we know them, are reaching the end of a cycle as dominant forms of storytelling on the market. Relationship to audience needs to be entirely re-invented:
- community building
- a film is no longer the end of a short cyclic process, it is an element in a life long project where the artist becomes the media
6 Thou shall focus on the flux not on the object:
Flux has different depths and speeds. Focus on the relevance of the artwork in the context. It is a vehicle for social interaction beyond its own limits.
7 Thou shall blend flux and events:
Both are today’s components of our lives. We need both. Live arts and festivals have a great future for this reason. We need them more and more as we are more and more online and virtual. Man is a social animal.
8 Thou shall spend great time and energy
Transmedia needs now to dedicate a lot of time, not just a side kick anymore.
9 Thou shall be fair and honest when blending the real and the virtual.
Loss of tangible dimension of reality. AS IF rules. The whole as if approach to ARG’s has to be carefully managed not to leave the audience with a sour betrayed feeling.
10 Thou shall play the game of changing the world
Transmedia expresses our craving for new utopia. “Left to his own devices, the individual must now entirely construct himself on his own, away from the old collective and religious frames “ Gilles Lipovetsky in “The deceptive society”.
In our self oriented societies, the meaning of existence is seldom found in a great collective adventure. It therefore has to be found in the inner resources of each individual. Or in the re-invention of ways to CHANGE THE WORLD:
Building Creative Collaboration
Network theorists have learned a lot about what drives social networks and have come up with three basic metrics that give you a pretty good idea how a network will behave.... read more at Digital Tonto
National Parks Infinite Photo
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Rethinking Rights in a Transmedia World
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Arts and creative industries
Download the report here.
Read more here.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
i3DG Palm Top Theatre
Palm Top Theater Exhibition — V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media
Data can be collected using multiple mobile phones running and all data can be synchronised from the phones and viewed centrally via the Project website or directly on the phones.
Best Practices in Incorporating ICT into Funding Proposals
Read more here.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Kansas City Art Museum Adopts the iPod touch for Tours
Read more here.
Be sure to check out Transmedia on
From Social Media to Social Strategy
This article - of relevance to the form and function of BOMAGS and Digital Playrooms - explores seven social strategies that are turning yesterday's zombieconomy upside down...
Monday, January 24, 2011
Digital Salon: Digital Playroom in disguise?
During 2010 and 2011 the Digital Salon will tour to ten different regional centres in South Australia, showcasing the work of people making digital media and art in regional areas. There is little known about the extent of digital media practise outside of large urban centres, so Digital Salon will help highlight what’s happening in these areas and help digital media makers connect with people from other places and industries.
In addition the touring events will showcase the work of local media makers at a fun, audiovisual multimedia event that hooks up media makers to other centres, before taking the work on tour to other Salon events. The Barossa and Riverland makers who will be the first stop on the touring route, will have the opportunity to have their work presented in eight other sites and to “hook up” with media makers at other events on the touring route.
Do you have media or ideas to contribute to a Digital Salon event… make contact and tell us about it.
Read more here. ABC Online story here.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
2011 Synapse Residencies now open
To ensure a good fit between the artist and host organisation, a joint application must be submitted. It is the responsibility of the project partners to establish contact and to identify the nature of the proposed collaboration prior to application. Those with existing relationships are strongly encouraged to apply. The Synapse residencies have a creative research focus and it is not expected that they will result in the production of new work. The residencies may also be approached as a platform for testing and informing a more comprehensive, longer‐term research project suitable for submission to the ARC Synapse Linkage program.
Deadline for applications is 5pm, Friday 25 February 2011.
View previous projects here
Gallery Pedestal for iPad
BeYOND - Kiosks. Digital Signs. Design. Programming.
See also: Kiosk Pro - the perfect app for turning the iPad into a kiosk
Thursday, January 20, 2011
The Serval Project
The Serval Project consists of two systems.
The first is a temporary, self-organising, self-powered mobile network for disaster areas, formed with small phone towers dropped in by air.
The second is a permanent system for remote areas that requires no infrastructure and creates a mesh-based phone network between Wi-Fi enabled mobile phones, and eventually specially designed mobile phones that can operate on other unlicensed frequencies, called Batphone. The two systems can also be combined.
Read more here.
Check out Dr Paul Gardner-Stephen
Check out ABC Adelaide report
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Changing The Way You See With Augmented Reality
Your Life Is A Transmedia Experience
The Top 5 Qualities of Productive Creatives (And How to Identify Them!)
Below, we outline five key qualities of particularly productive creatives, followed by some recommendations for how to uncover them in potential hires, co-workers, and collaborators.
Read more at The 99 Percent
Starbucks Launches Smartphone Payments Nationwide
Starbucks Launches Smartphone Payments Nationwide
Add live video chat to your website with TokBox
Evolutionary Tension
~ Andrew Cohen via @technoshaman
Andrew Cohen's Quote of the Week
Monday, January 17, 2011
Digital Media and Technology in After School Programs Libraries and Museums
into their youth programs, practices,and philosophies. We aim to clarify a framework for under-standing organizational efforts related to digital media and technology and to establish a foundation for future research in this area.
Our guiding questions for this report are:
- How have digital media and technology been incorporated into youth programs within educational, civic, and cultural organizations, including after school programs, libraries, and museums?
- What types of participation and learning do digital media and technology support and/or complicate within these organizations?
- How can research in the area of digital media and learning contribute to better integration of technology within individual organizations and better coordination via technology among organizations?
Read & download the document here.
Story Labs: Digital Playroom model?
“Technology has created both new tools and new ways to reach connected audiences. Mastering these new storytelling tools in the changing media landscape is the mission of StoryLabs,” said Hayes.
StoryLab’s development programs include Ad Lab (focused on cross media advertising), Mobile Media Lab, Community Lab (focused on Social Media Story), Games Lab, Innovation Lab (focused on story around new services and product) and Transmedia Lab (focused on the development of new forms of storytelling).
Mentors will provide “a hands-on opportunity for brands and media properties to advance new story formats and to shape a fully integrated story based transmedia solution”, according to an official statement.
StoryLabs is hosting a mentor and participant online network that will allow people to to engage in the creation of new form storytelling; there are 24 global story and experience creators already listed on the site – four from Canada, nine from Australia and seven from the US and UK.
StoryLabs is also planning incubator labs for the first quarter of 2011, with Screen Australia onboard as a sponsor.
For more information, click here.
SocialSamba is scripted social networking - the scalable way for brands, storytellers and celebrities to "friend" their fans and tell them an entertaining story through posts, images and videos. It's the experience of Facebook, with the friends fans love!
Let's take an example:
Imagine being able to join a social network with the international super-spy from your favorite movies, along with an intriguing cast of agents and double-agents stationed around the world. Over the course of two weeks, these characters send you posts and comments, with images and videos, making you part of their team as they track down the terrorist, save the world, and of course, get the girl. All of the action plays out in real time through the SocialSamba Facebook app, branded for that spy network. And at the end of the two week experience, when the world is safe again, you can move on to experience another adventure with the same characters, or maybe join the cast of your favorite high school glee club show as they get ready for the big competition.
SocialSamba.comWake Up Geek Culture: Time to Live
Conducttr: transmedia storytelling platform
There has been no off-the-shelf tool to manage the complexity and measure the effectiveness of multi-platform, social and interactive entertainment… until now.
Conducttr is a subscription-based service that allows anyone from international interactive agencies to independent filmmakers to write, manage, deliver and measure engaging interactive, social entertainment that spans online, offline and mobile platforms.
Conducttr acts like an unseen conductor orchestrating the performance of media across platforms and responding to audience feedback. The audience never knows it exists.
Our experience design tool allows the service to be told about the experience, the characters, the audience and the media. It’s then told what media to play to which audiences and when. It’s a secret command center; a hub for controlling cross-platform experiences.
Conducttr manages the experience to a calendar schedule or in response to events. And there’s no programming language to learn, no absurd metadata abstraction of the story and it’s intuitive.
Conducttr is for anyone who wants to deliver transmedia entertainment but doesn’t have the resources to develop their own technology – which is almost everyone. Even those with the resources will find that it’s quicker and cheaper to deploy a cross-platform experience on our platform than develop their own.
Check it out here.
Related article: A First Look At Conducttr
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Virtual Mentoring for Growth Towns?
Infinite Family connects mentors anywhere in the world with South African teens in need of adult guidance, advice and support. These "net buddies" connect via weekly video conferences. Read more here.
2011 – Year of the Content Provider
Can you be profitable in the transmedia space?
As in the film industry, there are four keys to transmedia profitability:- Pick the right projects;
- Choose the right elements/medium for exploiting each project;
- Maintain right and tight budgetary discipline; and
- Have a solid distribution strategy uniquely designed for each project.
5 New Paradigms for a Socially Engaged Company
Related article: Tribal Leadership audiobook download
LearnLabs: 21st Century Classroom
“There’s a new demand for students to be critical thinkers, have great communication skills and collaborate.” Pedagogies have changed, but classrooms haven’t. Until now... read more about How Steelcase Redesigned the 21st Century College Classroom | Co.Design
Inverted Learning Model for Digital Playrooms?
Read more at The Future of Education is Here » Blog Archive » Nothing is Off the Table
Saturday, January 15, 2011
The Web Is a Customer Service Medium
120 iPhone apps from museums & cultural institutions
Forecasting the Next Educational Era
EU Report Warns of "Digital Dark Age" if Digitization of Cultural Heritage Left to Private Sector
Era of Openness
- Wherever possible, companies, countries and individuals should embrace open standards as a way of encouraging innovation.
- Notions of intellectual property are changing and will change even more. Clever companies will manage their intellectual property like mutual funds — with some IP highly protected and other IP shared with the world free of charge.
Participatory Audience Engagement
Friday, January 14, 2011
2010: The year the future arrived
Donations on Facebook
The Boston Museum of Science has launched a campaign to raise $ 2,500 needed for the reopening of the planetarium by asking it’s Facebook fans to donate to attend a fundraiser through the application Fundrazr. Read more at MuseumNext
Related article @ Mashable: Are We Too Obsessed with Facebook?
Via: Online Schools
The Future of Social Shopping
Retailers are exploring a new frontier in social commerce as they go beyond simply offering Facebook pages and Twitter profiles for their customers to follow.
Fueling this trend is web retailers’ quick adoption of social sign-on, which allows consumers to log in to their Facebook account instead of registering on an ecommerce site. Social sign-on gives retailers access to rich profile information for targeting customers.
“Bringing Facebook profile data into retail sites makes sense because it influences consumers when they are close to conversion,” said Jeffrey Grau, eMarketer principal analyst and author of the new report “Social Commerce: Personalized and Collaborative Shopping Experiences.” “In contrast, many consumers on Facebook are mainly socializing with friends and further removed from making purchase decisions.”
Read more at eMarketer
Library Hack
Remix Au/NZ library collections & data
Libraryhack is an initiative of the National, State and Territory libraries of Australia and New Zealand where developers, artists, and digital content creators will be invited to re-mix and repurpose library collections and data.
It is built on the model of the Government 2.0 Taskforce competition Mashup Australia []. Libraryhack will make unique library collections and datasets freely available for re-mixing and re-purposing by anyone – a library ‘hackfest’. A competition with a range of categories will encourage participation.
Each of the participating libraries will make content available and host ‘hack’ events to encourage and support creation of new content. Events will include opportunities to ‘create content, mashups and apps’ the support of experts, at a later date showcase the results of the Libraryhack. Forums encouraging public discussions about open data and digital content creation will form part of the Libraryhack activities.
A national marketing campaign will be coordinated to support Libraryhack.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
10 Rules for Collaboration
Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds
Smartphone / App stats for 2010
The $1 to $2 price point was the most popular choice for developers looking to sell their applications. The number of applications at that price point grew to 27 percent of all applications, up from 22 percent in January. The number of applications costing more than $5 fell to 15 percent of all applications across app stores, compared to 21 percent of all applications in January.
More applications on Apple’s App Store switched to a freemium model, which lets users download applications for free and then makes money by selling premium services through the application. About 34 percent of all revenue generated by App Store applications came from in-app purchases on free applications. Half of the revenue generated from the App Store came from paid application sales.
Read more at VentureBeatSociology Perspective of Facebook's Marketing Power
Read more at the Lithosphere Community
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
How to Develop Your Social Media Policy
- Can employees use social media at work?
- Can they use it for work?
- Can they represent the organization?
- Do they need separate profiles for work / personal?
- Can personal info sent via social channels impact an employees job status?
- What social networks can be used for official communication?
- Who is responsible for official communication?
- What is the escalation process for negative or legal issues directed at the organization via social media?
- What happens if an employee departs the organization?
- What is the disaster response plan for social media?
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Mobile Digital TV Coming to an iPhone, iPad Near You
RFID and the museum
A Difficult Conversation
Related article: Nina Simon's response to Huffington post article
On the lighter side, I took this snap of the BOMAG roller crushing pirate DVDs while visiting ACMI's Screen Worlds: The Story of Film, Television and Digital Culture.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization
Mac iOS = 72.5% of Australian mobile web traffic
Where do you think Apple’s iPhone is the most popular? Where does Nokia’s Symbian phones dominate? How is it going for Android in different parts of the world? What about Blackberry? This article will answer all of those questions and will closely examine mobile OS usage across the world.
Digital Playroom trains seniors to use mobile phones
This program not only teaches the elderly how to use mobile devices but also helps narrow the digital gap between the elderly and other groups in society. It also contributes to increase communication among different generations as the elderly and the college students who volunteer in this program get a chance to understand each other.
The training comes with different levels of expertise. The program’s basic course teaches the elderly how to send text/photo messages and use a mobile phone camera. The intensive course includes more complicated procedures such as transferring data to computers by connecting the mobile phone to a PC and how to take mobile videos and use other value-added services.
They are also taught how to protect themselves from mobile phone-related crimes like voice phishing and spam messaging.
Read more at FutureGov - Transforming Government
Monday, January 3, 2011
A Manifesto for Social Business
Many different themes are coming together and new business models are emerging from where they meet and mutually reinforce each other. Together, they have the potential to change many aspects of what we call business today. They have the potential to create a new kind of Social Business, driven not so much for social purposes as by social relationships.
Here are the fifteen themes (the Manifesto) driving Social Business:
Related Article: review of Umair Haque's 'Capitalist Manifesto'
Commons Knowledge Alliance
Such a story invites us to consider there is more that unites us than divides us. Not only do we have a common genetic inheritance, we have a common cultural inheritance founded on a deep set of shared aspirations—for security, for the wellbeing of our loved ones, and for full participation in the possibilities of life.
These aspirations lead us to understand that effective stewardship of the biosphere is essential, that societal responsibilities must balance short-term and long-term requirements, and that informed citizens can effectively self-organize to manage their affairs.
The actualization of these aspirations is best served by a vibrant appreciation of the global commons — the rich reservoir of natural and cultural resources upon which we depend for life. The Commons Knowledge Alliance is dedicated to enabling people to deepen their understanding of and participation in the global commons.
The next eLearning course begins January 29th. Click here for details.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Scenius (Communal Genius)
• Mutual appreciation -- Risky moves are applauded by the group, subtlety is appreciated, and friendly competition goads the shy. Scenius can be thought of as the best of peer pressure.
• Rapid exchange of tools and techniques -- As soon as something is invented, it is flaunted and then shared. Ideas flow quickly because they are flowing inside a common language and sensibility.
• Network effects of success -- When a record is broken, a hit happens, or breakthrough erupts, the success is claimed by the entire scene. This empowers the scene to further success.
• Local tolerance for the novelties -- The local "outside" does not push back too hard against the transgressions of the scene. The renegades and mavericks are protected by this buffer zone.
Scenius can erupt almost anywhere, and at different scales: in a corner of a company, in a neighborhood, or in an entire region.
Read more at The Technium
Related post: Humanity’s Next God: You? and The Next Buddha Will Be A Collective