Wednesday, April 25, 2012

TED-Ed’s New Video Tool Allows Anyone To Create Video Lessons Online

Wow! The world just got that little bit more awesome.

TED-Ed’s new free platform allows anyone to "flip" any video on YouTube by adding custom content to play alongside it, making it possible to turn any piece of video content into a teachable moment.

TED-Ed | Tour

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Why Does Place Matter?

Community is a complex idea in an urban setting, especially a diverse city like London where proximity between neighbours doesn’t necessarily create a community. Community means something different to everyone, its boundaries are hard (some would say even impossible) to define, and the idea of being part of a place-based community matters more at some stages of life than others: young families and older people put greater value on their local community than others, for obvious reasons.
Yet, for many people, where they live is an important site of social interaction and a fundamental part of their identity: a place of family and friendship networks and connections to wider ethnic or faith communities, sometimes a place of work, and to a greater or lesser degree, community-based networks and relationships. Communities play a fundamental role in our sense of belonging, identity and local well-being. The UK’s Citizenship Survey (2010) shows that 76% of people feel they belong strongly to the neighbourhood they live in.Research on social capital and well-being suggests that everyday interactions with friends, family and neighbours play a crucial role in sustaining a sense of community but can be extremely fragile. Even subtle changes at local level like the closure of a local shop or disappearance of a playgroup or lunch club, can have a significant impact on community spirit and community well-being.
How well these local relationships work to support individuals and enable the community to come together in a time of crisis, or in response to an external threat (planning and urban regeneration being a common motivator), makes a difference to the social life of the neighbourhoods. No one can be forced to be good neighbours or to become friends, but there is evidence to suggest that the strength of local social networks is related to a number of social outcomes, from the health of residents to levels of crime.  Stronger networks generally create stronger communities.

Why Does Place Matter? – Urban Times

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Your Best Content Strategy is Thought Leadership

Why should your business be doing thought leadership? And who should do it? Well, to say it in short, everyone. Because thought leaders should be your entire organization. Not simply those at the top of the company. The best way for your company to transform is to crowdsource and collaborate as much as possible. Make everyone a part of the process in the new way of thinking about business. The other reason is thought leadership is your best content strategy. People want to feel like a company is larger than simply selling software or soda. They want to identify with it as a transformer of culture or the world at large. So here are five reasons on how to turn thought leadership into content...

Read more at Futurist Lab

Exploring Mobile-only Internet Use

An action research paper by J.C.Donner explores mobile only internet use in urban South Africa amongst a group of women who'd previously had no experience accessing the internet.It offers insights that are transferable to Central Australia

Mobile Media Toolkit

The Mobile Media Toolkit shows you how to use mobile tech to enable citizen media and encourage independent voices. Learn how to capture quality audio and video on your mobile phone.

The Future Of Mobile

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

47 Essential Social Media Tools for Content Marketers

The Basics

  • LinkedIn - Start the practice of connecting with every business card you receive from contacts.
  • Facebook - Less business, more entertainment the better.
  • Twitter - The best way to broadcast great business content…period.
  • Google+ – The fastest growing social media network of all-time.  Due to Google’s link with search, Google+ is now critical.

Conversations and Listening

  • LinkedIn Answers - Listen and answer.  Best if you have business customers.
  • LinkedIn Groups - Find groups that make sense for your business.
  • Yahoo! Answers - Listen and answer questions. Position yourself as the expert.  Better if you have consumer customers.
  • Google Alerts - Get updates on who’s talking about you, your industry, your customers.
  • Google Groups - Find the group relevant to your job and get active.
  • Google Trends – Love this tool!  See where keyword trends are heading.  It will help you tell better stories.

Twitter Management

  • Tweetdeck - The ultimate Twitter management system.
  • Hootsuite - Manage multiple twitter accounts from one dashboard.
  • – Possibly the best reporting structure for distributing Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  • Twitter Search - Find anything on Twitter real-time.
  • Yammer - It’s Twitter for inside the company walls.

Content Sharing

  • Slideshare - Upload your PowerPoint presentations for all to see.
  • YouTube - The #1 video sharing site and #2
  • Vimeo - The alternative to YouTube.
  • StumbleUpon - Randomly generates content for users by interest area. It still amazes me how much traffic we get from StumbleUpon.
  • Scribd - Share original writings with others.
  • Pinterest – In less than two months becomes a Top 100 website.  Amazingly addictive.
  • – Great way to share the information that is all about YOU.
  • BufferApp – Integrates with Facebook and Twitter to easily share content.

CMS/Content Promotion/Creation Tools

  • WordPress - My recommendation for a blog CMS platform.
  • Tumblr - Post anything quickly and easily.
  • Zemanta - Great for adding additional content and links.
  • Outbrain – The PPC tool for content distribution.  Used by some of the best brands on the planet.
  • PR Newswire – Our preferred tool for distributing news and research releases.
  • Jing- To create screenshots for clients when something needs to be explained.

Event Tools

  • Lanyrd – Heavy social media, but excellent conference promotion tool.
  • Plancast – Another event listing tool.
  • GoToMeeting – Desktop sharing and event tool for businesses of any size.
  • ON24 – Industrial-strength online event tool.


  • Google Analytics - I recommend using Google Analytics even if you have a paid analytics service (courtesy Cim Buser).
  • Alexa - Some high-level information on website traffic for any site.
  • - Excellent comparison tool for web analytics-type information.
  • Quantcast - Provides good overview of analytics and site demographics.
  • Radian6 – A paid social media measurement tool.  Now a company.


  • Google Apps - Runs all email and calendar functions through one place.  We use it and love it. Basic option is free.
  • Google Docs - Share Word documents, spreadsheets and presentations via secure invitations. Great for editing a document with multiple people involved.
  • Teamwork Project Manager - Easy-to-use project management tool.
  • BaseCamp - An alternative to Teamwork Project Manager. Also very easy to use.
  • DropBox – Easy way to share files with co-workers and associates.
  • Salesforce – Track sales opportunities, leads and contacts.
  • Evernote – Easy to way to transport documents from iPad to anywhere else you are going.
  • Skype – Hard to do international calls without it.  Plus, sometimes it’s helpful to see the person.
  • Chrome Remote Desktop – Incredibly handy tool if you need access to someone else’s computer and you lack IT support.

47 Essential Social Media Tools for Content Marketers | Social Media