Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Why Design-By-Commitee Should Die

No matter where you go in the known universe, there is design-by-committee. It has become a pecking order of disaster for the society that used to pride itself on being a mover and shaker and that allowed its mavericks and dreamers to innovate their way to success. In a business climate fueled by fear and the “Peter Principle,” as it is today, a decision not made is a tragedy averted. So, decision by committee provides a safe and often anonymous process for finger-pointing down the line… inevitably leading to the creative, of course.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Smithsonian Commons

If your a fan of digital culture, your going to love this.

The Smithsonian network of museums receive 30 million visitors a year. They're a big deal. Sometime back, they decided to make the ultimate digital museum. The Smithsonian Commons is is now live. Check it out.

Flickr has a slide presentation for each video

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Sense of Place, A World of Augmented Reality

By Mitchell Schwarzer
6 June, 2010

The contemporary convergence of mobile phone, camera, wireless Internet and satellite communication — the key ingredients of the digital handheld — accelerates the reconstitution of place from real, occupied space to a collage of here and there, past and present. But digital technology’s effects do not only blast us out of place; they also bore us into the sights right in front of us — those in our viewfinder. Our sense of place is augmented by information wired from the World Wide Web. Part of the information comes from media conglomerates. Much of it streams at us from our social networks and online acquaintances. The information allows us to peruse unseen depths of the place we’re in. We have the opportunity to gain a better or different sense of place anywhere we travel within the network’s reach.

Part 1...
Part 2...

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Rapid wireframing and layout app designed exclusively for the iPad.

Time Tracking & Invoicing software

On The Job is an application designed to help you track your time and expenses, and bill your clients by easily and quickly creating professional invoices.

The Ultimate Mac Setup for Musicians

Want, want, want...

DJ Software for Mac

40 apps to choose from...